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The Dandelion.

The journey will be what you make it.
You will be what The Journey makes you.

And when you break it all down,
piece by piece:
you will find nothing but YOU-

You Are The Journey.

The Journey will be all the choices you will make.
The good. The bad.
The mediocre. The great.
And everything in-between.

The Journey will be everything in-between.

The classes. The breaks.
The time you chose to sleep.

The 8:00 AMs.  The Cage.
The friends you choose to keep.

The passions. The dreams.
The courses that just give you that blissful kick.

The meals. The laughters.
The awkward conversations you dare not pick.

The laughing. The crying.
The song on your daily playlist.

The crowds. The loneliness.
The cute stranger in the lift.

The concerts. The night-outs.
That Friday movie you would not miss.

The parties.
The dancing.
That night you share an unexpected kiss,

The busyness.
The printing.
Readings! Readings! Readings!

The time. The pressure. The stress.
Moodle this. Moodle that.
An impeccable display of academic mess.

Hey, just pause.


The Journey will also be your will to pause.

To just pause.
The pause.

To breathe.

The gentleness you will give yourself:
Even in the rough, stormy times on this hill.
Your will.

The tenderness
-you deserve it.

The love
-you need it.

The break
-you’ve earned it.

The Journey will be this and that.
And everything in-between.
The Journey will be everything in-between.

You Are The Journey.

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