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Girl in the Society

One, take a shower and get into every inch of your body
Two, take a dress that won’t make you feel any good, but you must wear it because it’s trendy
Three, put on make-up so you’ll have the courage to show your face to every person you meet
Four, check those painful braces that you must endure just to have those perfect pearl teeth
But wait, don’t forget your hair, that you tied up into a messy bun that they all have been doing and
Five, have a mask and cover those fears and anxieties you’ve been facing
Because no one likes a fearful girl that back and forth she’s pacing
Now six, walk outside, wear heels, be proud and be a lady full of grace
Because at seven, no one likes a girl with a fat body and an unpretty face
Eight, be western by your walk or talk, because you don’t want them to know that you have a different race
And at nine, don’t forget to flirt and let the boys think that you’re uptight
Because at ten, you must be caged in this kind of society that is not so bright.
This is how to be a girl in the society.

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