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Student-Athlete Spotlight: Liam Getzloff ’19

Q: What are your thoughts on the outdoor track & field season thus far?

A: Looking at the team as a concerted unit, there have been many laudable performances so far this season and there is still plenty of untapped potential that should yield favorable results for the rapidly approaching conference meet. Personally, my season is on standby as I’m in the middle of dealing with a stress-induced injury in my shin. Thus, I’ve been relegated to the hamster wheel that is the indoor bicycle for the time being.    

Q: How is the outdoor track season different from the cross country and indoor seasons?

A: In short, cross country is exceedingly team-oriented whereas track is more individualistic. Track is the most pared-down version of running as times become the singular focus and your past results become your most formidable opponents until the conference meet.   

Q: How do you and your team deal with the sporadic and unaccommodating nature of Minnesota’s winters?

A: Layers. The quality of footing is the biggest issue when it comes to the inhospitable conditions of the Minnesota winters. Thus, we transfer our training routes to the well-maintained roads and sidewalks of Northfield. If the weather truly isn’t permitting, we flock to Skoglund’s upstairs track for a mind-numbing number of laps.

Q: Do you have any “pre meet” rituals before you run?

A: Personally, no. My superstition only extends to the order in which I tie my shoes. However, during the cross country season, we have a team ritual that takes place before our mid-October race in La Crosse, WI. We chant: “from the heavens, from the heavens, to the ground, to the ground.” For this reason, it is not suprising that many St. Olaf students think we are a cult.

Q: What is it like going to school with and running alongside your younger brother?

A: Going to school and running with my younger brother, Alec, has been a harmonious affair. People often poke fun at us for our propensity to act as a singular mind, which I take as a testament to our intimacy. In the realm of running we encourage each other with a refreshingly blunt honesty that drives us both to perform a little better. 

Q: What are your plans after graduating from the Hill?

A: My current plan is to work a seasonal summer position at a golf course in McCall, Idaho, with a handful of teammates. Having no desire to launch directly into the business factory, I’ll take this summer as an interim to enjoy myself, my friends, and to iron out what to do with a liberal arts degree in Biology and English.

Q: What is your favorite meal in the caf?

A: Chicken / rice / spring mix salad / tomatoes / feta / oil and balsamic.