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Vera Sablak

Vera Sablak

Executive Editor

Vera Sablak is a senior art history and biology major from Concord, Massachusetts. She loves coffee, chatting, and chilly weather. Her most favorite food of all time is grilled cheese and she could spend hours in a plant store. Other than writing Mess articles, Vera loves to write songs and is practically playing the guitar at all times. One day, she hopes to be a florist and the owner of a combined coffee and flower shop.
Alli Hering

Alli Hering

Executive Editor

Alli Hering is a senior social studies education and political science major from Apple Valley, MN. It is common to run into Alli outside or in the cage reading books instead of doing classwork. She also is a avid sports fan and loves trying new sports and activities! In the future, Alli hopes to combine her passion for writing and politics in the education realm.
Kenzie Nguyen

Kenzie Nguyen

Executive Editor

Kenzie Nguyen is a junior English major with a concentration in International Relations from Brooklyn Park, Minn.. When not in the office, Kenzie enjoys walking around town, exploring Content Bookstore, watching reality tv and movies, and chatting with her friends. She dreams about owning her own little breakfast and coffee nook. In the future, Kenzie hopes to be a news and politics reporter.
Bella Kornwolf

Bella Kornwolf

Business Manager

Bella Kornwolf ia a senior Quantitative Economics major. from Rogers, Minn.. Her interests mainly include soccer and hanging out with friends and family. 

Mexica Greco

Mexica Greco

Visual Director

Finley Hogan-Underdahl

Finley Hogan-Underdahl

Visual Director

Claire Hughes

Claire Hughes

Marketing Director

Claire Hughes is a senior violin performance major from Arnold, Md.. When she’s not manning the Mess table, you can find her enjoying a croissant from the cage, spending time in the music library, or baking pastries downtown! After graduation, she intends to take a gap year and then pursue a masters degree in performance.
Maya Betti

Maya Betti

News Editor

Maya Betti is a sophomore from Shoreview, Minn. double majoring in English and political science. In her free time, Maya can be found reading memoirs of former NYT journalists, figuring out how to crochet, and watching West Wing. After graduation, she hopes to attend law school or become a political journalist.
Madeline Altman

Madeline Altman

News Editor

Madeline is a senior English and political science major from Portland, Ore.. When not busy writing or editing for the Mess, she can be found hammocking on the quad, planning her next trip to Europe, or curled up with a good book. After St. Olaf, she is looking forward to living in a big city, adopting a cat, and pursuing a career in writing (possibly journalism…?).
Kate Linggi

Kate Linggi

A&E Editor

Kate (she/her) is a senior English major from San Diego, Calif.. When she’s not analyzing a text or writing essays, she enjoys advocating for more dancing at parties, cooking new things, reading outside, and watching and participating in theater. Post-graduation, she wants to work on the editorial team of a magazine or newspaper, and maybe later on pursue a degree in Library Science.
Malikiah Guillory

Malikiah Guillory

A&E Editor

Jacob Rozell

Jacob Rozell

Sports Editor

Jacob Rozell is a sophomore from Fairbanks, AK.. When he’s not writing, he’s practicing with the Nordic ski team, or distracting his artist friends in CAD. His favorite writers are Wes Anderson, Roald Dahl, and Joan Naviyuk Kane, and his favorite place to be is north of the Arctic Circle. He is applying for the Individual Major.
Brooke Ellis

Brooke Ellis

Opinions Editor

Kaya Stark

Kaya Stark

Opinions Editor

Ashlyn Wuench

Ashlyn Wuench

Variety Editor

Ashlyn Wuench ’26 is an Environmental Studies major and Education studies concentrator from Springfield, Miss.. She can typically be found not on campus during weekends exploring some wooded area several hours away. However, when on campus, she’s probably playing cribbage, doodling on any flat surface, trying to perfect the balance of a chai latte, or just kinda goofing off and overall taking it easy. You can find her five minutes late to wherever she’s planning to be.
Riley Peterson

Riley Peterson

Senior Reporter

Riley is a junior majoring in Creative Writing and Environmental Studies, alongside a concentration in Statistics and Data Science. She joined The Olaf Messenger because she strongly believes in the power of sharing stories and loves the opportunity to connect with her community. In her spare time, Riley enjoys seeing live music, crocheting, thrifting, and planning events for St. Olaf’s Environmental Coalition. She’s not entirely sure what the future holds for her, but she knows writing is going to be an integral part of it.
Juliet Stouffer

Juliet Stouffer

A&E Correspondent

Juliet Stouffer is a sophomore. She has been writing since the age of five, creating many short stories and picture books, but it wasn’t until 5th grade when she finally wrote her first full chapter book. In her spare time, she is part of the Writers’ Guild, the Film Production Society, and Concert Board. On the side, Juliet hosts radio show, “Starchild Radio”, alongside her roommate.
Evan Atchison

Evan Atchison

Sports Writer

Evan is a junior History major and Statistics and Data Science concentrator from Kansas City, Miss.. Outside the classroom, Evan is probably playing percussion as a member of the St. Olaf Band and St. Olaf Orchestra, watching almost any sport (the notable exception being golf), or reading books about Political History or Soccer. After graduating, Evan hopes to write his own book (or many) and possibly pursue a Ph.D in History.
Callista Robertson

Callista Robertson

Copy Editor

Callista is a junior from Iowa City, Iowa, majoring in sociology and anthropology and concentrating in environmental studies. Most of her idle time is spent taking candid photos of friends, journaling, climbing rocks, discovering new music, or going someplace new.
Em Haas

Em Haas

Copy Editor

Em Haas is a senior English, Creative Writing, and Greek triple major from a small town in Minnesota. When they’re not working on the Mess, they might be found working in the admissions office, reading over submissions for the Quarry, visiting Content and Goodbye Blue Monday, or frantically translating their Greek homework. After graduation, they’d like to pursue editorial work in the publishing industry.
Annie McMullen

Annie McMullen

Copy Editor

Annie McMullen is a sophomore environmental studies and Norwegian major from St. Paul, Minnesota. Outside of working on the Mess, she can usually still be found writing, but for personal enjoyment or classes. On the off chance that she’s not writing something, Annie can generally be found walking through the natural lands or seeking out new music to obsess over. After graduation, she hopes to continue her environmental studies at a graduate program in Norway.
Lucy Call

Lucy Call

Copy Editor

Lucy Call is a junior from Overland Park, Kansas studying English and Psychology. In her free time, Lucy enjoys drawing, reading, and going on long walks while listening to music. She can be found most often at the library, at the Cage getting tea, or journeying in the Natural Lands. After college, she’s interested in becoming a counseling psychologist or a school psychologist.
Jade Jimenez

Jade Jimenez


Jade Jimenez is a freshman from the Houston, Texas. In her spare time, Jade loves going to art galleries, creating art, and writing letters. After college, she hopes to become an English and Visual Arts teacher, trilingual, and possibly do grad school or get a PhD.
Lauren Schilling

Lauren Schilling


Lauren Schilling is a senior from a small town in Northern Iowa. They are passionate about all things art and poetry, and will share their knowledge when given the chance (yay, info-dump!!). When they’re not writing or illustrating for the Mess, you can find them over the air on KSTO, reading poetry, making art, or working on the inevitable mountain of homework.
Sam Gwin

Sam Gwin


Kiran Tator

Kiran Tator


Cydne Lloyd

Cydne Lloyd


Julia Sikorski Roeshner

Julia Sikorski Roeshner


Louise Skokan

Louise Skokan

Staff Writer

Louise Skokan is a sophomore double majoring in Biology & Environmental Science from Columbia Heights, Minn.. Louise uses They/He pronouns. They’ve been writing articles since their junior year of high school, where they started as a staff writer in the beginning and then became the opinion editor their senior year. They’ll continue to write for the Mess for all four years here. When they are not writing articles, you can find them making art through illustrations, taking naps, ballroom and K-pop dancing, playing video games, and generally being a nerd about science & the TCG. They hope to both work in a lab with DNA, microorganisms, and genetics and to be outside in a greenhouse protecting and conserving all types of flowers, plants, and pollinators like bats, insects, birds, bees, and rodents