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General Information

  • The Olaf Messenger is a student-run, five-column, broad sheet newspaper (approximately 11.5” wide by 20” high), published approximately 17 times each year.
  • Articles appear each Thursday during periods of publication, either on The Olaf Messenger’s associate website,, in print on select weeks, or both.
  • The Olaf Messenger’s website receives approximately 3,000 cumulative views per week, and the print edition has a circulation of about 3,100, accounting for the St. Olaf population and subscribers.
  • Issues are distributed throughout the St. Olaf College community and throughout the nation via subscription.
  • The publication totals eight pages, and includes five sections: News, Opinions, Sports, Arts & Entertainment, and Variety. Multimedia and Features content are included on the website and in certain print editions.
  • Color printing is used on the front and back pages.

Print Ad Rates

Northfield Area National Color
1/8 page (W5.75″ x H5″) $75 $85 $95
1/4 page (W5.75″ x H10″) $130 $160 $185
1/2 page (W11.5″ x H10″) $240 $290 $340

* The executive editors reserve the right to refuse publication if the advertisement does not comply with the Messenger’s policies.

Terms and Conditions

  • Advertising space must be reserved by 5:00 PM on the Friday before the publication date (one week prior).
  • Advertisement graphics must be received by the Monday before the publication date. Electronic submission is preferred (send to:
  • The Olaf Messenger bills monthly, unless other terms are agreed upon with our business manager prior to publication. One teach sheet will be provided as proof of publication. Additional teach sheets upon request.

Online Advertising

  • Ad space may be purchased on The Olaf Messenger’s affiliate website,
  • Ads will appear as a banner on the top of the homepage, on the right sidebar, or above the footer at the bottom of the page.
  • Graphics should be provided in .jpg or .png formats for uploading.
  • Advertisement graphics must be received by the Monday before the print publication date (send to:
  • Contact with specific questions.

Online Ad Rates


Northfield Area National

(728×90 Pixels)

$70/week $90/week

(300×250 Pixels)

$70/week $90/week
Article Header

(728×90 Pixels)

$130/week $170/week


  • $15 for the first 25 words
  • 10¢ for each additional word
  • 10% discount for 3-4 insertions, 20% for 5 or more

Frequency Discount

A 10% discount will be given to advertisers that advertise in consecutive issues.

Contact Information

Ben Cermak, Business Manager –