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Bruce King steps down from role as Vice President for Equity and Inclusion


Vice President for Equity and Inclusion Bruce King has resigned from the College, effective Feb. 28, as announced by President David Anderson ’74 in a Feb. 1 email to all St. Olaf students. Dr. María Pabón Gautier, the Director of the Taylor Center for Equity and Inclusion, will serve in King’s former role in an interim capacity in addition to her current position while the College conducts an official search this spring. 

“I am proud of the contributions I have made at St. Olaf and hope they helped make a difference in both small and large ways,” King wrote in an email to students following Anderson’s announcement email.

King began his role as Vice President for Equity and Inclusion in August 2020. The elevation of the position came as part of the College’s intentions to promote a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment among faculty, staff and students at St. Olaf. In his email, Anderson stressed the importance of having an Interim Vice President for Equity and Inclusion who can continue such work within the College. 

“We still have a considerable amount of progress to make, and I am committed to ensuring that this crucial work continues,” Anderson wrote.

Coverage of King’s departure is ongoing.