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What you can do to fight Line 3

The fight against the Line 3 pipeline has waged on through the summer of 2021 and into this fall. As the pipeline approaches completion in Minnesota, water protectors continue to put their bodies on the line in an attempt to hold the Canadian petroleum company Enbridge at bay. The physical conflict taking place on the front lines is incredibly important, but for those of us who aren’t able to be there, it is important to remember that there are actions we can take right where we are to support the water protectors.

Line 3 is a tar sands oil pipeline project aiming to restore a current pipeline running from Hardisy, Canada through northern Minnesota, and ending up in Superior, Wisconsin. The path intercepts Leech Lake and Fond du Lac reservations and the 1842, 1854, and 1855 treaty lands. Enbridge is building the pipeline with U.S. sponsors such as Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and Chase Bank. In 1991, the nation’s largest in-land oil spill occurred near Grand Rapids, Minn. out of Enbridge’s previous pipeline. Through the building of this pipeline, the safety of our water will be endangered and structural racism will continue to flourish by silencing native voices.

A great first step to getting involved in the fight locally is to attend one of the many Stop Line 3 protests in both the Twin Cities and in Northfield. On Aug. 25, 2021, the “Treaties not Tar Sands Rally to Stop Line 3” took place at the state capitol in St. Paul. Protests such as this one can rally support and influence our leaders to hold true to the treaties and stand up for our environment. In addition to protests, we can email and call our state leaders and urge them to take a stand against the pipeline. As over 700 people have been arrested in the fight, there are also multiple ways to donate financially and help to cover bail costs.

Enbridge believes that they can have Line 3 finished and operational by the end of 2021, and it is crucial that we as people living in Minnesota do not let that happen. Whether it’s going up to the front lines and putting your body on the line, or sending letters to your state representatives, your work will add up and make a difference.

Anna Larson is from 

Richfield, Minn.

Her majors are film and media studies and 
