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Aries: Sorry you had a bad week. Your friends will provide you some much needed support this weekend. Lean on them. Let them take you off campus for a little getaway.  


Taurus: Go to Casino Night. Even if you don’t want to. You are about to win big.


Gemini: This week is gonna be a lot of errands, taking care of business, and life organization. Lean into the small moments of joy. anything.


Cancer: Take the leap and send them the Friday flowers, the risk is gonna pay off. 🙂 


Leo: You are about to have the best weekend of your life. This is despite the huge mistake you will make on Friday. Things are about to get a whole lot more interesting . . . and chaotic. 


Virgo: Reach out to someone new. Maybe it’s someone you sit next to in class, maybe it’s someone you joked with in line at the Cage, or maybe it is someone you have only seen from afar. Get to know them. An awesome relationship is about to begin. 


Libra: Are you doubting yourself again? That inner voice is lying to you. Pop in your headphones and walk to class as if you’re walking on water. You are the moment. 


Scorpio: Stop lying to yourself. Everyone knows. 


Sagittarius: It’s okay to cry. Crying builds character. We love you for it. This will be one of those weeks where you cry as you walk through Bunt. Own it. 


Capricorn: Today you need to grab your headphones or a speaker, blast some music, and let loose. It is time for a dance party in Crossroads. 


Aquarius: In the next few days, someone close to you will surprise you completely. You will start seeing them in a whole new light. You’re gonna wanna go on a Cage date to learn more . . . 


Pisces: You are in a time

of life where self reflection is key. Do some journaling, spend some time alone, and have a party for one. Time with you is gonna be best right now. 


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