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Bon Appetit houses workers amid snowstorm


Between Feb. 21 through Feb. 24, Bon Appetit housed workers in response to the snowstorm. While the storm occurred, queries were being raised by students about building hours at St. Olaf and whether classes would be held. Among these questions came concerns about the safety of students and workers in their commutes to St. Olaf. Stav Hall workers, however,  had no need to worry.

According to Traci Quinnell, General Manager of Bon Appetit at St. Olaf, it is routine to provide housing for workers during inclement weather. If any staff member would prefer to stay in town or closer to the college given the risk of commuting, they are offered hotel rooms. Workers typically stay at the Fairfield Inn in downtown Northfield. 

While continuing to receive their meals from Stav, Bon Appetit covers the costs of the hotel rooms for nights needed. This year, about 10 workers opted to stay the night at the Fairfield Inn. “[This] really shows their commitment to ensuring that we are able to open and get everyone fed,” Quinell said. 

While a number of Northfield businesses were closed during the snowstorm, Bon Appetit continued to feed students and care for their staff. The workers of Stav are owed a debt of gratitude for giving up a night back home and braving the storm to ensure a meal for all St. Olaf students.