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Aries: Look for chances to love yourself today. You are at your best when you are confident, and you can bring a lot to the world when you see the greatness within yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror, take a deep breath, and smile. You are your whole self and you are worth it.

Taurus: Notice the little things. It’s easy to get lost in the bustle of living a life like yours, so treat yourself to a moment or two spent observing the fine details that make this world a wonderful place.

Gemini: Help out a friend, every chance you get. Now is always the perfect time to be a friend. Open your heart to those closest to you, and be the nurturing presence they need most. In it, you will find a greater version of yourself.

Cancer: Give yourself a moment to daydream. Thoughts of the past are a particularly strong vice in this moment, so take a second to visualize your future, where you want to see yourself and how you want to feel in the coming days, months, and years. Your strong sense of vision will lead you towards what you desire most.

Leo: The tides of the winds have shifted.

You must have noticed them by now. Avoid gazing into reflective surfaces. Stay wary of your shadow’s every movement. Do not make eye contact with any four-legged creature until you receive the message in the shade of the black eagle’s wings. Vigilance is your ally as the tectonics of the seasons shift in ways we have yet to comprehend.

Virgo: Take the time to put together your favorite outfit this week. You’re at your best when you find confidence, so take the time to wear what you feel your best in. Your radiance is contagious, and will uplift others.

Libra: Take a risk. Put yourself out there. Remember that there’s no such thing as failure in this world, and keep your spirits high. Your persistence and strength will lead you to great opportunities.

Scorpio: You might find yourself making some difficult decisions this week. Remember that there’s no such thing as a wrong decision, and that you’ll be capable of finding deep happiness and meaning in your life, regardless of your choices. Don’t be afraid to take it easy, and remind yourself to relax.

Sagittarius: Surely you’ve sensed the awakening. The walls creak and groan as the days grow longer, and it gets closer. The time is nigh to brace yourself. Evade the gaze of the camera as best as you can, and seek not the trust of others around you. The time of betrayal is here. Trust only yourself. This is a battle that will be won among dreams, not among memories.

Capricorn: Take some time to seek out romance this week. The weather has been cold, and we’ve all been shut in, but now is your time to look for love. Enjoy the company of others, and think about your own needs. Find what (and who) makes you happy, and enjoy it to the fullest.

Aquarius: Make time to be creative. Your thoughts and energy will be overflowing this week, and you’ll be able to pour them wholeheartedly into making, performing, or doing something great. Take a deep breath and enjoy getting into the flow.

Pisces: Answer your phone this week. Keep your ears attuned to the calls shifting among the breeze. You will be handed a weapon this week, a tool — and that tool is destiny. Yours is the personhood that this world will need. Things are in motion that cannot be undone. You must heed the call.