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Where Art Meets Science

JV regents 10.2.2022

As an art and science student, I spend most of my time in CAD and Regents. Here’s a collection of some of my favorite pieces on display in these buildings! 

“The Old and the New” 2009

Brittany Grell ’09

Acrylic on Canvas

Location: RNS Floor 2

This piece is a beautiful tribute to one of my favorite views on campus! The soft blues and yellows convey a comforting, sunny warmth that I’ll always associate with Minnesota in the fall.


“Submerged” 2011

Peter Harris ’11

Oil on Canvas

Location: CAD Floor 3

I’m drawn to this piece because of the rich, cool colors, the overlapping shapes, and the diversity of brushstrokes and textures. There’s both a technological complexity and a dream-like simplicity to it.


“Archaea” 2010

Ron Gallas


Location: RNS Floor 2

I love this piece because it reminds me of how art and science are always in conversation with one another. When we make art, we learn strategies to observe what’s around us from different angles, and this gives us a new appreciation and understanding of our subjects.