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Global Gala: Never a dull moment

Global Gala - Fiona Kelley

Photo: Students enjoying the Global Gala. Photo courtesy of Fiona Kelley


If you have ever felt left out by the playlist of a Pause Dance DJ, the Multicultural Subcommittee and Diversity Initiatives Support Committee’s (DISC) Global Gala was the place for you. Catering to a wide audience, the subcommittees’ cast a wide net that resulted in a much more inclusive event music-wise compared to other events at St. Olaf.


“We were nervous about the representation seen in the music, especially since we were hiring a DJ, but from the feedback we received from our peers, the DJ delivered the performance we were hoping for,” said Karen Henriquez Fajardo ’26, Multicultural Student Senator and Chair of the Multicultural Subcommittee. 


With songs like “212” by Azealia Banks and “Labios Mordidos” by Kali Uchis, the DJ of the event, Carleton College student Jasmine Maldonado, received much support from attendees of the gala. It was an ecstatic feeling to witness the rise of energy from the crowd whenever a new song played. “We received some feedback from those who attended the dance, and we’re eager to make the next one even better,” Fajardo ’26 said. 


Speaking of the future, the Multicultural Subcommittee and DISC have plans to create more events like the Global Gala. “Now that it’s done, we know exactly what to anticipate next time and how to improve, especially since the Global Gala will become our new legacy,” said Kaya Clemons ’26, DISC Event Coordinator and newly elected Secretary of Equity and Inclusion. “For the future, we want to create a greater sense of belonging for students, which doesn’t only consist of hosting dances or including food.”


So keep your eyes peeled for more multicultural events on campus. Who knows? Maybe, you will highly enjoy them.


“We are already planning initiatives that center BIPOC mental health, along with creating more opportunities for off-campus networking events,” Clemons said.

Malikiah Guillory
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