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SGA appoints Imani Mosher ’21 as new Vice President


Imani Mosher ’21 was appointed as Vice President of St. Olaf’s Student Government Association (SGA) by President Melie Ekunno ’21 at the start of the school year. 

SGA opened a rolling application after Leander Krawinkel ’21, who was elected Vice President for the 2020-2021 school year during the spring, announced he was stepping down from the position for personal health reasons.

Mosher had been interested in applying for the position of environmental senator in the past, combining her passion for environmentalism and interest in SGA, but couldn’t apply due to spending a semester abroad.

Mosher recalled that as soon as the announcement for a new Vice President came out, “a lot of people I knew started texting me,” all wanting her to apply for the position.

“I really do believe that things happen for a reason, that the senate position just wasn’t meant to be so with that in mind I applied for Vice President,” Mosher said. 

After a thorough written application and an interview with Ekunno and Krawinkel, the President appointed Mosher. 

“I got the email when I got to school that they chose me as their new VP,” Mosher said.

Mosher has already taken on the duties of the position. She is working closely with President Ekunno, Senate and various SGA initiatives to get the year underway. She has been drawing on past experience as co-founder of the St. Olaf Climate Justice Collective and hopes to bring a “fresh perspective” to the body, and continuing the conversation of environmentalism Mosher said.

As Vice President, Mosher’s primary job is to lead the Senate. However, because the Senate has yet to convene this year, Mosher has not been able to formally meet senators. 

“They haven’t really met me yet,” Mosher said. She nevertheless described SGA as a whole, and Ekunno in particular, as very supportive.

The President and Vice President pair are focused on increasing transparency and accessibility within the student body. 

“Ultimately I want students to be comfortable to come to us with anything, an idea, a question and come talk to us about it cause we’re here for you, we want to hear it and we want to help.” Mosher said.

According to Associate Director of Student Activities Brandon Cash ’16, who advises the President and Vice President, SGA has never had to begin the school year by appointing and approving a Vice President. However, SGA bylaws have a procedure in place for such an event. 

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