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A guide to SGA executive elections

Student Government Association’s (SGA) spring elections take place on April 16. Students will have the opportunity to vote for SGA executives as well as branch coordinators. There is strong competition for Coordinator positions for Volunteer Network (VN), Diversity Initiatives Support Committee (DISC) and Political Awareness Committee (PAC). Coordinator positions of Music Entertainment Committee (MEC), Student Activities Committee (SAC), After Dark Committee (ADC), Student Organizations Committee (SOC) are running uncontested.

Fenton Krupp 24 is running for the Board of Regents Student Committee (BORSC) Coordinator after a year of service on the team. He hopes to increase BORSC recognition and solve more campus issues during his leadership.

Fenton Krupp ’24

Sandra Chimutsipa 23 and Jessica Hollister  22 hope to continue their current work as ADC and SOC coordinators respectively.

Sandra Chimutsipa ’23

Chimutsipa’s platform focuses on increasing student engagement by listening to the student body’s needs and suggestions for events. She’s passionate about working with ADC again.

Jessica Hollister ’22

Hollister plans on updating funding for sports clubs and increasing coordinator accessibility by making herself available for discussion in the Office of Student Activities, every day of the week.

  Lily Braafladt 22 is campaigning for MEC Coordinator and has served on MEC for three years. Her platform involves hosting more musicians from diverse or underrepresented backgrounds, reducing confusion with navigating multiple social medias, and mentorship.

  Zoe Golden 22 is running for SAC Coordinator to increase transparency with the student body and establish equitable spending. She’s served on SAC for three years.

Zoe Golden ’22

President & Vice President

Andy Nelson ’23 and Michael Paredes ’22 are running unopposed for SGA President and Vice President. Following a debate hosted by the Messenger, Hannah Niederman ’23 and Maddy Bayzaee ’23 formally conceded from the race for SGA President and Vice President on the condition that Nelson and Paredes agree to work towards their list of demands. Their platform covered a wide range of issues from reforming the campus protest policy to environmental justice 

“Please know this is not the last of us. We will be making noise,” Bayzaee said.

Some of Nelson and Paredes’ most relevant qualifications include Nelson’s service as a Member-at-Large for SOC and Coordinator for SAC.  Paredes has worked as SGA’s International Student Senator for three years. The pairs platform focuses on restructure SGA finances and student engagement.

  “We want to work with organizations to help them spend money efficiently and proportionately throughout the year, so that students not only have a community, but they get the value that they deserve,” Paredes said.

Diversity Initiatives Support Committee

Linden Hoskins ’22

As a self-identified white, trans and disabled organizer, Hoskins hopes to connect queer students to St. Olaf’s multicultural orgs. “I want to be your technician and your mic, but not your voice,” said Hoskins on their online campaign. They believe their facilitation skills, especially with Northfield Mutual Aid, sets them apart from their opponent.

Mbuyisile Tlhwaele ’23

  “When I heard there was no one running, I thought: ‘Oh, no! We can’t have that happening!’” Tlhwaele said. “This is a sign that I should take it with open arms.”

   She said what sets her apart from her opponent is her experience as an international student, Karibu Co-chair, and DISC liaison. Her platform focuses on new programming strategies to implement in-person, COVID-safe multicultural events that increase event engagement.

Political Awareness Committee

Mohamed Yassin ’23

Yassin serves as PAC’s current Bi-weekly Events Coordinator and gives his time and leadership to several St. Olaf departments and volunteer programs. “I am running for PAC Coordinator as a recommitment to amplifying silenced voices. I hope that through this position, I not only reaffirm these core values, but continue to foster thought-provoking dialogue and a rekindle of moving towards justice together,” Yassin said.

Matt Mackenzie ’22

Mackenzie’s experience consists of being a part of the Climate Justice Collective (CJC), Northfield Mutual Aid, and other orgs focused on community change. “I hope to solicit more input about the types of voices and programming our students would like to see featured in our political dialogue. I’m also hoping to expand on PAC’s great section of online resources, make them more accessible, and encourage students to engage with them,” said Mackenzie.

Volunteer Network

Missy Daniels ’22

Daniels has served on VN for her whole college career. “My current experience as VN’s Financial Officer makes me the ideal candidate for VN Coordinator, as I have the analytical background needed to make knowledgeable decisions about where our money is going,” said Daniels on her online campaign. Her platform consists of increasing VN’s visibility on campus as well as expanding VN’s campus events.

Camille Stich ’22

Stich serves as VN’s Social Media Director and Alpha Phi Omega’s VP of Service. She hopes to expand VN’s membership to increase student involvement, promote volunteer outreach, and provide scheduling flexibility, according to Kaitlyn Chalfant ’22, Stich’s proxy. Chalfant said, “Stich is the current VN Coordinator’s ‘right-hand woman.’ She’s always collaborating with him and having so much fun. I’ve never seen anyone who’s as dedicated as her.”