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Artist Digest: Finding resilience through changing seasons by Regan Golden


Contributing Writer

Regan Golden is a talented artist, teacher, and writer based in Minneapolis. She began to create collages representing the resilience of nature as well as the dramatic changes that occur during Minnesota seasons in early 2017. In March 2020, COVID-19 struck the United States, and Golden’s art took an unexpected turn. 

The pandemic has been incredibly hard on each and every one of us. We all faced trauma, unrest, and unexplainable pain during these past 31 months. Severe lockdowns and restrictions left many of us feeling helpless and searching for hope, but it also brought about a season of growth and prosperity. Golden took the pandemic and months of lockdown and turned it into beauty. In her exhibit, she highlights many photos which she took during the height of the pandemic. She found light and hope in times of isolation and uncertainty. She refused to let the trauma of the pandemic stop her from seeing the delightful sights just outside her window. 

Looking at Golden’s exhibit, most individuals will see a chaotic and disorderly wall full of scattered pictures, paintings, and drawings. If you take a step back and put on different lenses, you will see a beautiful representation of life. That is the true meaning behind Golden’s art. 

She brings to light the fruitfulness of life. The messy and chaotic side of it is symbolic of reality. We all have messy relationships, pressure in our home-lives, and are definitely confused with what the future holds. We are all finding our way, becoming new creations and enjoying the awakening of our souls. Our lives do not fit perfectly into a neat little picture frame and neither does Golden’s art. 

In her exhibit at the Flaten Art Museum, she highlights the remarkable resilience of the changing seasons and shows us that even in our darkest times we can find light.

Spring. The season of new beginnings, hope, and blissful awakenings. Standing there looking at Golden’s collage of spring, I’m overtaken by the sense of peace that comes with this season. I see the joy of new creations, fresh chances, and the start of a new journey. 

Summer. Calmness and contentment are the words that come to my mind when I move from the spring to summer collages. The bright pops of color, warm hugs from the sun, and beautiful sights bring a sense of happiness. Summer represents a time in our lives when we are free and joyful.

Fall. I feel secure and comforted as I stand in front of Golden’s fall collage. I can feel the golden glow of the sun hitting my cheek and the crunch of the leaves under my feet. There is no better season than this one, not only in life but also on earth. When we feel that sense of comfort within ourselves, our lives change. 

Winter. A season of darkness and bleakness. It is filled with depression and sadness, but also warmth and hope. We get to cuddle up next to the fire and admire the crystal wonderland outside of our windows. In Golden’s winter collage, I am struck by the beauty of the falling snow which shimmers in the daylight. The ice crystals which form intricate designs show us the beauty of uniqueness. This collage overall serves as a reminder that we are capable of seeing the beauty and wonder of this season.     

After having the privilege of walking through Golden’s exhibit, I feel even more connected with myself and open to the delights of life. Each of us is unique and beautiful in our own ways. We do not fit in a box. We do not have to be defined by rigid definitions. Our lives are perfectly messy, beautifully chaotic, and delightfully un-orderly just like the changing seasons.