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Aries: Success is on the horizon, Aries. You’ve been putting in the work for a long time now, and you’ve always looked fantastic doing it. You’re long overdue for some recognition, and it’s finally coming your way.


Taurus: Taurus, you’ve got the looks, you’ve got the humor, but now’s the time to get in touch with your emotional side. Have a night in with your closest friends and share how you’ve really been feeling.


Gemini:  I’ve got to be honest, Gemini: you need to work on your self-awareness. This could be a great period of personal growth if you’re willing to admit when you’re wrong and make some honest apologies.


Cancer: Cancer, you’re hot, you’re funny, and you know it. Make sure to put your wit to use over the next week. You’ll likely wind up making an important discovery, like having a spiritual revelation or solving a murder.


Leo: Leo, don’t listen to the haters. You made the right decision and it’s only up from here. Spend some time with your chosen family and focus your energy on the things you love.


Virgo: There’s a lot changing in your life right now, but you feel like you’re finally on the right track. Remember to ask for help when you need it. You’re not alone in this, Virgo.


Libra: People may think you’re a one-trick pony, but don’t be afraid to try something new, Libra. Be brave! Branch out this week and you’re sure to discover a new hobby, friend, or talent.


Scorpio: You’ve been making some questionable comments lately. Scorpio, now is the time to be honest with yourself and examine how your words and actions have a profound impact on others.


Sagittarius: Sagittarius, you’ve recently been set free. But what are you going to do with this newfound freedom? Take this time to focus on yourself and your deepest desires. Eat some cheese fries.


Capricorn:  Lately, you’ve been pretty meme-able. When people make you into a meme, it’s easy to take it personally, but ultimately, it just means that you are freaking hilarious and are good at bringing joy to others. Embrace your inner-meme this week, Capricorn.


Aquarius: Aquarius, the people around you are in need of support right now and you’re struggling to figure out what to do. Being truly present and available will help the next steps become clear. 


Pisces: Pisces, happy birthday! You’ve hit some major milestones recently and it’s time to celebrate. Pop that champagne, but always remember to put your mental well-being first, because you deserve it.