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Walking Poems

poem 1.


Sometimes I wonder, are there more legs or cars in the world? Because I see far too many cars and way too little legs.


Why don’t we always Walk? I think it is such a beautiful thing. Our body is taking care of us. Becoming a medium of pleasure.  Walking allows our eyes to see what’s beyond our internal. Walking reveals the unknown. 


I smile when I Walk, because I get to see the beautiful sky that envelops me in a hug.


Sometimes I get to see Mr. Sun, he says hello with his and waves at me with his long rays. 


Sometimes I see Mrs. Moon, she is quite sexy. For me, she dances around the sky leaving a bit of herself in all parts of her home. 



Why would I take a car and ignore all the gifts my feet can offer? 


Sadly, Walking is no longer purely a gift from our feet. Capitalism has swooped in and stole some of this gift and now people have to pay for this gift, with time, because Capitalism has a monopoly on time. 


Someday though, Walking will again rule the lands and there will be no robots on the sidewalks, people will see people. 


And the people will Walk.


poem 2.


When I Walk, 

I see the world, 


I breathe the world, 


I hear the world, 


I feel the world 


Why would I want to transport any other way? 


Walking takes me through my day. 


It powers me to every class, 


It powers me to Larson where I strut by other robots on the sidewalk Walking to and fro, 


Watching their phone 


Missing people. 


poem 3.


My brother and I Loved deeply during a Walk in Costa Rica. 


Our hearts touched. Our spirits hugged. 


Because we took the time for our feet to pass in stride by each other, to move across the Earth at the same time, at the same place, 


with the same intention: for our bare feet to touch the cold, Earth and somehow carry the weight of a Body and Soul, 


I was able to take in his presence and see his form in this material world and see it move 


I saw my brother inside Sam. 


Walking brought me to my brother.