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Eurovision 2023 off to a rocky start


This May, the 67th annual Eurovision song competition will be held in Liverpool, England. England will host despite not winning last year’s competition, breaking with tradition as last year’s winner, Ukraine cannot host due to the country’s ongoing war with Russia. 


The 2023 Eurovision competition will look different than previous years. The war between Russia and Ukraine will seriously impact the festivities. Due to the crisis, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and North Macedonia pulled out of Eurovision. Eurovision barred Russia from competing due to its invasion of Ukraine.


Political instability and general economic malaise in Europe influence participation in Eurovision. As a result, the environment around competition this year will be more somber. Even England, where the event will take place, may need help to power the typically eccentric event. 


For Eurovision lovers, this year will likely be less celebratory than the previous years, particularly before the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. As we struggle to return to a “normal” world, it’s clear that Eurovision, too, will need to readjust to the challenges of a world living in the aftermath of a deadly pandemic. 


Still, the music in the competition will surely bring a smile to the face of devoted fans. Fans planning to vote in the competition between May 9 and 13 can begin making decisions by listening to the songs early. There are now entire Youtube playlists of the songs for the Semifinals, set to premiere on May 9.