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Pumpkin pie for the win


Graphic by Andrew Mazariegos-Ovalle

When the fall season rolls around in Minnesota, as the weather turns cold, and the leaves start changing, one can’t help but think about the holiday season. Thanksgiving becomes the halfway point in the school year as everyone anticipates a few days off to celebrate with family. And what symbolizes that peaceful albeit temporary break Thanksgiving provides, than to sit down after a wonderful meal with a big slice of pumpkin pie. 

Although I can accept that there are some pumpkin haters, those who simply don’t like the flavor, there are also others who believe that pumpkin pie is not the best Thanksgiving pie, and I must squash those ideas. Thanksgiving will never be complete without pumpkin pie and there’s a few reasons why. 

Pumpkin pie fits the aesthetic of Thanksgiving. I know that sounds strange, but it really does. The dark beautiful orange color is the perfect fall color and makes the table instantly look more festive. Its flavor is so fall, with pumpkin patches and decorations literally essential to the early fall (hello Halloween). Even the minimalism of not needing a top crust makes it perfect to make on a cold and short fall day, one where you may not have time to chop a million apples. Plus the cold temperature reduces holiday stress because you don’t have to worry about keeping it warm during a chilly Thanksgiving day. 

Pumpkin pie also is more unique to Thanksgiving, which makes it more special and worth savoring. Apple pie isn’t bad per se, but you can eat it anytime. No one looks at you strangely if you have apple pie on a random Tuesday in July. Pumpkin pie is for Thanksgiving. Instead of this being a bad thing, it makes pumpkin even better. All year when you think of pumpkin pie you also get to think about Thanksgiving and whatever that means to you. I also know not everyone enjoys or celebrates Thanksgiving, and that’s okay too. Reclaim pumpkin pie as a fall favorite to enjoy on a different special day or your choosing, the point is simply it represents a specific moment in time, not a random time like when apple pie may be eaten. 

Pumpkin pie is no doubt the best thanksgiving pie, and if you haven’t had it yet this year, I would recommend getting a slice before the season comes to a close.

Alli Hering is from St. Paul, Minn. Her majors are political science and social studies education.