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Studying Abroad: a retrospective


When I started my college search process five years ago, I only knew one thing: I wanted to study abroad. I fell in love with St. Olaf for many reasons, but the multitude of study abroad opportunities were a huge plus. 

Cut to fall my sophomore year of college — I had to decide if I wanted to study abroad for an entire semester or just J-term. Both options were enticing, but I knew I would regret not going for the entire semester. A year later, I was flying by myself across the Atlantic Ocean to Dublin, Ireland.

The three and a half months I spent in Ireland were amazing. I got to explore the countryside, live in the center of a city, and experience a whole new life. I even traveled to Italy for six days during my fall break.

Studying abroad does not come without its challenges. It was difficult being away from my friends, and I got serious FOMO. Learning to live alone — truly alone — while in another country introduces its own set of challenges. However, the time I spent in Ireland was one of the most rewarding moments of growth I’ve ever experienced.

Studying abroad pushed me in ways I couldn’t imagine, and it only made me want to see more of the world. I now have this bond to Ireland that is hard to describe — feelings of love mixed with intrigue and longing desire.

I’m lucky enough to be studying abroad again, this time on the Theater in London J-term program. I expect this experience will be vastly different — it is St. Olaf affiliated, and I will be living, learning, and socializing with the same people every day. However, I expect that those experiences will present their own set of challenges, for life is not perfect, no matter where you are.

I strongly encourage anyone who has the opportunity to study abroad, and in a position to do so, to take advantage of it. Learning in another country expands beyond the classroom, into every moment of every day. If you are struggling, don’t be afraid to reach out to your support system and advocate for yourself. This experience will teach you so much about yourself, the place you are studying, and the world around you. Enjoy every moment abroad.

Ainsley Francis is from Charlotte, N.C. 

Her major is English

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