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The Quarry is a student achievement worth celebrating

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The Quarry celebrates its 100th edition of student creativity this spring.

The importance of the literary and fine arts magazine is made more apparent in the wake of this historic edition. As one of St. Olaf’s longest-running student publications, the Quarry has cataloged decades of student artwork. 

The Quarry is a living, breathing publication that evolves to reflect the times. Thematic conceptions for the different editions keep the magazine fresh and inspire student artists to respond to unique prompts. Nearly every edition ties to contemporary issues ensuring that they represent the student artists’ experience in the context of their creation. 

While labeled as a “literary and fine arts” magazine, the Quarry has grown in the art mediums it will publish. Performance art and digital art are only some ways the publication has expanded its definition of fine art. 

Opening the Quarry to diverse art mediums makes it more valuable as an archival tool. The art published in the Quarry represents the period of its publication in both theme and form. These nuances to the curation of the magazine and zine publications keep it relevant in an era where the definition of art ebbs and flows alongside the growth of technology. 

Changing to reflect the time and represent the wide variety of student art makes the Quarry a significant living document of how student creativity reflects the era of its creation. Looking back at previous editions shows the context of the art world and campus environment at the production time.

The Quarry provides a window into the art scene on campus in each edition. The 100th edition will undoubtedly continue this tradition through its magazine, including literary, visual, and interdisciplinary art that celebrates the full spectrum of Ole’s creativity.

Caroline Geer is from Northville, Mich.

Her majors are race and ethnics studies and sociology/anthropology.