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There might be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It could also be rain reflecting light. Watch out for tricks of the light this week.


Leprechauns aren’t the only tricksters out and about during St. Patrick’s Day. So stay vigilant at the Highland darties. You never know when someone will steal your gold.


Remember, you can wear “Kiss me I’m Irish” gear regard- less of if you actually are. If someone asks if you are Irish, don’t lie and say your grandma’s name was O’Leary.


Worry less about having good luck and instead focus on going after what you want. Luck is only half of the battle.


If you make plans, stick with them. Your free-spirited nature can come across as flakiness.


Find a pipe to draw snakes out of your life. Please don’t use your powers of persuasion to threaten people to convert to Catholicism.

Don’t go too crazy on the green beers. Instead, keep the green on your shirt and out of your skin tone by drinking responsibly.


There might be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It could also be rain reflecting light. Watch out for tricks of the light this week.


Good luck is headed your way if you’re receptive to it. Open your heart to possibilities for joy this weekend instead of closing your heart to receiving abundance.


Don’t go too crazy on the green beers. Instead, keep the green on your shirt and out of your skin tone by drinking responsibly.        


How do you expect to find gold if you’re not looking for rainbows?


Pinching people who don’t wear green isn’t appropriate past the age of twelve. Stop it.


Take a break from your busy schedule to destress with an Irish Jig. I suggest “the Blarney Pilgrim.”


No, drinking only beer for three days isn’t a tradition. Resist the urge to use St. Patrick’s Day as an outlet for your personal desires.