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Housing scouting report 2023


It’s getting to be that time of year again — room selection season! Students are scrambling to find roommates, pods and townhouse groups are being formed, and potential new dorms are being scouted out. Here’s my rundown of the upperclassmen dorms and what to expect with room selection. 

Hilleboe: Seriously, who even lives here? This dorm perplexes me. Some have told me that Hilleboe is the best kept secret on campus, but I’m still dubious. There are sinks in every room, though, and incoming sophomores should have no problem securing a spot in the hall.

Larson: This 12 floor dorm is appreciated for its slightly more updated rooms and central campus location. The upper floors also give some nice views of the Hill. The rooms are all slightly different shapes, and if you’re put into a Larson triple, good luck — I hear they’re tiny. Most sophomores or above should have no issue securing a Larson room. 

Mellby: Without a doubt the most beautiful dorm on campus, Mellby also has probably the best location and all the beautiful woodwork inside makes me drool. However, I am not a quiet floor girlie, so I never considered living here. If you do want a more quiet atmosphere, cross your fingers that you’ll get a room! Living in Mellby seems to be a pretty hot commodity, so sophomores looking at Mellby should have a second choice in mind. 

Mohn: Current first-years, cross your fingers that you get a good draw number or else you’ll end up here. Sure, the rooms aren’t too small, but the vibe is absolutely atrocious, and I am struggling to come up with anything good to say here. Sorry.

New Hall: I live here, so I’m biased, but New Hall should be at the top of everyone’s list. Incoming juniors and seniors shouldn’t have any issues getting a double suite here. Sure, walking up the stairs everyday is a little annoying, but the clean, new rooms, beautiful kitchens, and ample study space make the walk well worth it. Also, not having communal bathrooms is a huge plus. 

Rand: Students love this dorm for its proximity to Skoglund as well as the rooms’ attached bathrooms. Singles, doubles, and quads are available, but if you actually want to live in a quad in the same room as three other people, I am judging you. Current sophomores and juniors should have good odds of snagging a Rand room. 

Thorson: I lived here my sophomore year and loved it! Current first years, this is a great option, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. The hall is gorgeous and the rooms are pretty spacious. Pro tip: the rooms on the ends have sinks in them! Though there’s no elevator up, the fifth floor princess suite lofts are without a doubt the coolest rooms on campus!

Townhouses: If not every single person in your group of 10 is a senior, don’t even try. Even if you are all seniors, something tells me it’s going to be a cutthroat draw for the townhouses this year. 

Ytterboe: The dorm is well loved for its pods whose common spaces are the perfect hangout — or party — spot. I’ve never liked how dark and eerie the hallways feel, though. Upcoming juniors and seniors shouldn’t have too many issues getting pods, but sophomores shouldn’t count on it.

Off-Campus: Ha! You wish.

Good luck to all in this stressful housing season! May you each get spacious rooms with angelic roommates and silent neighbors!

Lily Mitzel is from St. Paul, Minn.