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How to celebrate Valentine’s Day


Valentine’s Day is a nice little holiday you spend with anyone, whether your partner, some girlfriends, or yourself for a good day. Buying anything from chocolates, new clothes, or even creating something special for someone goes a long way. However, some people will say it’s a consumerist day.


Can’t we just have fun on days like this? Don’t overdo it. Buy or make something for someone you deeply care about, whether that’s your partner or your closest friends. Candy, flowers, or whatever is meaningful to you or others goes a long way when it comes to an easy gift for Valentine’s Day.


You don’t have to be in a relationship to enjoy yourself on a day like this. Whether trying a new restaurant or spending time with your friends and family, every kind of love is important to your own heart and soul.


Buy some of your favorite candy, do something specific to you that you love, or go out and take a walk through nature if that’s your thing. If you are a woman, have yourself a Galentine’s Day with your friends, and if you are a man, do something with your guys if you want. Do whatever makes you happy and content.


Valentine’s Day is a day about all types of love, so enjoy the treats that come with it. Treat yourself on this lovely holiday, whether it’s with others or yourself.


Louise Skokan is from Minneapolis, Minn.

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